The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

The UnCon

Wizards.COMmunity asked me to pass this on:

Name of Event: UnCon (UNconventional CONvention)

Dates: October 11-13

Time: Visit for more information and a schedule of events and times.

Room on chat site: Varies by event.

Description of event: It is time once again for UnCon, the UNconventional CONvention held online at the Wizards of the Coast chatsite. This year we have a number of events planned for your gaming pleasure: industry chats, in-character dances, seminars, trivia, online gaming, and much, much more! Please visit the UnCon site at for more information, or contact the UnCon coordinator, WizO_Hydragon, at . Want to run a game or conduct a seminar? Please register on the UnCon site.