The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

Project status update

Dark Sun 3.5 Core Rules: A preview version was released yesterday. While reviewers report typos etc. an illustrated version is being developed.<p>

Dregoth Ascending Part II: Scheduled for public playtesting June 30th, the second part of the Dregoth Ascending trilogy might be released without art. Rest assured, art will be in the final release.</p><p>

Terrors of Athas 3.5 [Monster Bureau]: A revised version of Terrors of Athas 3.5 is still in the works. Some rare critters escaped us last time, but we hope to have caught them this time. Thanks to all you reavers out there. Hopefully, this will be done before autumn. </p><p>

Advanced Beings [Epic Bureau]: We got a lot of good feedback from the Dark Sun community on the dragon rules preview, much of which we are incorporating into the advanced being rules. Hopefully we will release revised dragon rules within two weeks. </p><p>

Athasian Arms and Equipment Guide [Equipment Bureau]: This project is progressing at regular mekillot pace. It is a large project which was started earlier this year with no set deadline.</p><p>

Other projects are either on hold or progressing slowly.</p>