The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

The ghostly silence ....

Sorry about the relative silence on the site; we’re still alive. I’ve been working on setting exactly what is going to go into the DS3 playtest document. There are a few debates that need to be resolved first, and then some heavy editing is required.

Here’s the deal with the playtest document: It’s not going to be “official” (that is, we’re not putting it through the vetting process with Wizards) for a while. Instead, we’re going to publish the document, and leave it alone for six months or so. In that time, we’ll be collecting your feedback. After six months (or so), we’ll unfreeze the document and consider any needed changes.

No, I’m not sure exactly when we’re going to release the playtest doc. It shouldn’t be too much longer, but life being what it is, we’ll see…