Dregoth Ascending

The Dread King walks the surface world again. An Army of Light decends upon one of the seven, and casts it into Darkness. And the blood of thousands of unbelievers runs in rivers at the feet of he who would be a god.
- Part 1: The Day of Light
- Part 2: The Quest
- Part 3: The Ascension
In order to play Dregoth Ascending, you will need The Dungeon Masters Guide, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and the Expanded Psionics Handbook, as well as the Dark Sun 3 Core rules and Terrors of Athas, available as free downloads from the official Dark Sun web site athas.org. The DM is encouraged to read The Dark Sun Revised Campaign Setting, City by the Silt Sea, Veiled Alliance and Elves of Athas. These products contain additional information the DM can use to enhance the adventure.
Dregoth Ascending is set in Free Year 12
Design: Jon Sederqvist Original design: Kevin Melka Project coordinators: Gabriel Cormier & Jon Sederqvist Layout: Gabriel Cormier Maps: David Tisch Interior art: João Bosco Ferreira da Costa Jr, Michael Cugley, Roberto Enachev, Kevin Haggard, Herman Lau, Tony Lone Fight, Yanick Moreau, Josh Nordin, Robert Shaffer,. Cover art: Ravenscrye Daegmorgan
Raam map key.
From live site; Updated 2006 March 3
From Site.
The following unofficial resources are provided to as player and dungeon master aids to help enhance the experience of using this product.
Traveler's Guides to the Cities of Athas
created by:
- Logarium
Traveler’s Guides to the Cities of Athas written in the style that appeared first in The Ivory Triangle for Gulg and Nibenay.
- City-States
- Balic
- Celik
- Draj
- Eldaarich
- Gulg
- Kurn
- New Kurn
- Nibenay
- Raam
- Saragar
- Thamasku
- Tyr
- Ur Draxa
- Urik
15.3 MB pdf uploaded January 11, 2023 by Raddu
Cities of Athas - DM's Summaries and Statistics
created by:
- Logarium
DM’s Summaries to the Cities of Athas written in the style that appeared first in The Ivory Triangle for Gulg and Nibenay.
- Tyr
- Ur Draxa
- Draj
- Celik
- Balic
- Eldaarich
- Gulg
- Kurn
- Nibenay
- Raam
- Saragar
- Thamasku
- Urik
3 MB pdf uploaded January 28, 2023 by Adam Cieszlak