The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

The PCs could get drawn into the world of chariot racing in any number of ways. Some sample adventure hooks are:

A chariot pulled by crodlu
Crodlu Chariot by Brom

Gone in 60 Segments: Over the past few years, the nobility of Urik has taken to building increasingly ostentatious chariots and carriages as status symbols, with each noble house and even several high templars attempting to outdo everyone else. The local veiled alliance sees this as a perfect opportunity to play a dirty trick on the entire noble quarter – they’ve tasked the PCs with stealing 50 of these carriages in one night and transporting them to a waiting caravan just outside the city. Can the PCs pull off the heist of the century in just one night - all without invoking the wrath of the templarate?

The Balican Job: Word quietly spreads about an opportunity for a great theft from the treasure-vaults of the great Dictator of Balic himself. The heist would take place during Balic’s championship chariot race, but the team will need to be well-drilled, well-equipped, and move at incredible speed to make their escape before the templars close in. And of course, the wrath of Andropinis will be mighty indeed when the theft is discovered.

The Raging Road: A band of chariot-riding raiders have recently begun to plague the area between two city-states, looting caravans and then escaping the sorcerer-monarch’s troops before they can close in. The High Templar in charge of defense authorizes use of the army’s great super-heavy chariot to accompany a trade caravan and hunt down the raiders. The great chariot is to be crewed by mercenaries, and the PCs are soon contacted about the mission.

The Rising Star: The city of Balic has always had a reputation for fair and well-regulated games, but it seems that Balican chariot racing has an unsavory underside. Desperate for help, the partner of an up-and-coming chariot racer reaches out to the PCs. It’s become increasingly clear that she and her partner have dramatically underestimated the ferociousness of the competition in Balic, and as her partner has risen in the ranks, the other teams have begun to see them as more serious threats, staging more and more underhanded attacks during races. Now they both feel increasingly in over their heads. There are only two races left for this season’s championship - the semi-final and the final, and the duo need the PCs’ help if they have any chance of winning - either by helping to set up their own ambushes for the competition or by finding an Overseer to bribe into watching their backs.

The Swift and the Enraged: Tyr has developed quite an underground chariot racing scene, with the stakes being potentially deadly. The PCs have been tasked by a merchant house with infiltrating and bringing down a particularly notorious cartel of ex-slave charioteers who have become as ruthless as any group of desert raiders. Once on the inside, however, the PCs discover that things are not so simple: their dour mul leader Domtureto is just trying to do everything necessary to protect the “family” he has adopted, keeping what little they have from being taken by the nefarious merchant house. Caught in the middle, which side will the PCs choose?

Too Old For This: A retiring stable owner appeals to the PCs for aid - someone has been sabotaging his chariot teams; he has lost one child already, and has had a second crew quit rather than face the danger. He needs a new chariot crew, one able to withstand whatever vile treachery is thrown at them, find out who is causing this sabotage, and stop them so that he can pass the stable on to his remaining child.

Luke Swadling


Been playing Dungeons & Dragons and other RPGs since 1987. Been playing Dark Sun since it was released. Returned to Athas in 2020 for its expanded timeline and geography.