The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website


Arcane Paths

The fundamental idea of Athasian magic is to draw up energy from the land in order to fill yourself with power. Thus, the "Raze" spell sequence (Raze I through Raze IX), is the "default form of magic" on Athas. In theory, all other arcane spells are just variations of these core spells; wizards learn to manipulate and channel these plant energies in more specific ways.

Because the Raze spell sequence is considered the fundamental spell-set, all Athasian wizards, whether they wish to or not, know the spells Raze I through Raze IX, and are capable of casting the Raze spells corresponding to the spell levels that they can cast. In game terms, all wizards have Raze I through Raze IX mastered as though through the Spell Mastery feat. The Raze spells are so basic to the whole concept of magic that any wizard, whether preserver or defiler, has the ability drop a prepared spell and spontaneously cast the corresponding level of Raze instead. However, since the Raze spells inherently defile the land, casting a Raze spell has the same consequences for preservers as defiling to cast any other spell:

A preserver gets access to Path Dexter spells only as long as she refrains from defiling. If she ever defiles, she is considered a "lapsed preserver", and must seek out a druid to cast the "conversion" spell before she can cast Path Dexter spells again. A lapsed preserver is walking a dangerously thin path. Although she cannot use spells with the "Path Dexter" description, she can continue to attempt to cast "Path Concordant" spells using preserving magic. Each time a Preserver defiles, she must make a Will save at DC 10 spell level 2 per previous defiling attempt. If this saving throw fails, she loses the ability to cast preserving magic at all. If she ever defiles three times or more times in a single day, she completely loses the ability to preserve, and becomes a defiler.

A Defiler cannot cast spells with the "Path Dexter" descriptor. Most importantly, the defiler is completely unable to cast arcane spells without defiling. It is possible for a defiler to become a preserver, as described in the "conversion" spell, but druids are loathe to cast this spell unless they are firmly persuaded that the defiler's change is sincere. Many druids would prefer to slay a defiler rather than give them another chance.

Path Sinister spells (can only be cast as defiling spells):

Here are the spells that preservers would be limited from using (if they wanted to remain preservers, that is). I have gone through and capitalized the existing PHB spells for your convenience. I have made ONE PHB cleric spell (*Invisibility to Undead*) available through Path Sinister. All spells that are neither capitalized nor marked with *asterisks* are new spells that either are or will be on our DS core spell list.
Level 0: Disrupt Plant, Lesser Raze, Whiff of Death
Level 1: CHILL TOUCH, Raze I
Level 2: GHOUL TOUCH, Raze II
Level 4: ENERVATION, Raze IV
Level 7: CONTROL UNDEAD, Open the Gray Portal, Raze VII
Level 9: ENERGY DRAIN, Gray Rift, Raze IX

Path Dexter spells (cannot be cast by a defiler or lapsed preserver):

(Note that I have capitalized wizard spells from the PHB that would be made off-limits to defilers. In order to compensate preservers for what is made basically off-limits to them through Path Sinister, I have made a COUPLE PHB druid spells available through Path Dexter -- these druid-preserver spells are marked with *asterisks*. All spells on this list that are neither capitalized nor marked with *asterisks* are new spells that either are or will be on our DS core spell list.
Level 0: Botanical Enchantment, DISRUPT UNDEAD, Nurturing Seeds
Level 2: Preserve II, SEE INVISIBILITY
Level 4: Preserve IV, STONESKIN
Level 5: Preserve V, Rejuvenate, *Wall of Thorns*
Level 6: CONTROL WATER, Greater Dispelling, Preserve VI
Level 7: Create Tree of Life, Preserve VII, SEQUESTER
Level 8: *Animal Shapes*, Clone, Preserve VIII
Level 9: MORDENKAINEN'S DISJUNCTION, Preserve IX, Rootmorph

PATH CONCORDANT SPELLS include all Arcane spells not listed above as either Path Dexter or Path Sinister.

Raze 1 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 1
Components: S, M
Casting Time: Varies by terrain (see text)
Range: Varies by terrain (see text)
Target: You, Living plants within range, creatures within range
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No

Similar to Death Knell in principle, you draw forth the life force of plants within range, and use it to fuel your own power. Creatures within range feel the pain of the dying land, and take 1 point of temporary strength damage if they fail their fortitude save. For the 1-round spell duration, you gain a bonus to your caster level depending on the quality of the terrain from which you are draining life. (This bonus does not give you additional spells, but affects variables in your spellcasting, like the benefit that Death Knell spell gives its caster).

Since the Material components of this spell are actually the living plants that you are defiling, this spell can only be cast in barren terrain or better. The casting time and range vary according to the abundance of life within the terrain:

1 Terrain TypeExamplesCasting Time Spell DC Bonus Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round 1

Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1

FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action 2

Raze 2 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 2
Components: S, M
Casting Time: Varies by terrain (see text)
Range: Varies by terrain (see text)
Target: You, Living plants within range, creatures within range
Duration: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No

You draw forth the life force of plants within range, and use it to fuel your own power. Creatures within range feel the pain of the dying land, and take 1 point of temporary strength damage each round that they remain within the spell range. For the 2-round spell duration, you gain a bonus to your caster level depending on the quality of the terrain from which you are draining life. (This bonus does not give you additional spells, but affects variables in your spellcasting, like the benefit that Death Knell spell gives its caster). The casting time and range vary according to the abundance of life within the terrain:

Terrain TypeExamplesCasting TimeSpell DC Bonus

Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round1

Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1 FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action 1 AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action 2

In addition, casting Raze 2 allows you to cast one extra 0-level spell that you have prepared, without losing it from your memory. You must cast this extra spell some time during the 2-round duration of Raze 2.

Raze 3 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 3
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No

As Raze 2 except as noted below:

Terrain TypeExamplesCasting Time Caster Benefit Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round 1 Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1 FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action 1 AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action

In addition, casting Raze 3 allows you to cast one extra 1st level spell that you have prepared, without losing it from your memory. Alternately, you can cast any 1st level spell that you have mastered (through the Spell Mastery feat). You must cast this extra spell at some time during the 3-round duration of Raze 3.

Raze 4 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 4
Duration: 4 rounds

As Raze 2 except as noted below:

Terrain TypeExamplesCasting Time Caster Benefit Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round 1 caster level Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1 FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action 1 AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action 2

In addition, casting Raze 4 allows you to cast one extra 1st or 2nd level spell that you have prepared, without losing it from your memory. Alternately, you can cast any 1st or 2nd level spell that you have mastered (through the Spell Mastery feat). You must cast this extra spell at some time during the 4-round duration of Raze 4.

Raze 5 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 5
Duration: 5 rounds

As Raze 2 except as noted below:

Terrain TypeExamplesCasting TimeCaster Benefit Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round 1 Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1 FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action 1 AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action 2

As long as Raze 5 is in effect, you can cast any spell up to third level that you have prepared, without losing that spell from your memory. Alternately, you can cast any spell up to 3rd level that you have mastered (through the Spell Mastery feat). You must cast this extra spell at some time during the 5-round duration of Raze 5.

Raze 6 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 6
Duration: 6 rounds

As Raze 2 except as noted below:

Terrain TypeExamplesCasting Time Caster Benefit Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round 1 Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1 FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action 1 AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action 2

For the entire duration of Raze 6, you can repeatedly cast any first level spell that you have prepared, without losing that spell from your memory. Alternately, you can cast (and recast) any first level spell that you have mastered (through the Spell Mastery feat).

Raze 7 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 7
Duration: 7 rounds

As Raze 2 except as noted below:

Terrain TypeExamplesCasting Time Caster Benefit Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round 1 Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1 FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action 1 AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action 2

For the entire duration of Raze 7, you can repeatedly cast any spell that you have prepared (up to 2nd level), without losing that spell from your memory. Alternately, you can cast (and recast) any spell (up to 2nd level) that you have mastered through the Spell Mastery feat.

Raze 8 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 8
Duration: 8 rounds

As Raze 2 except as noted below:

Terrain TypeExamplesCasting Time Caster Benefit Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round 1 Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1 FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action 1 AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action 2

For the entire duration of Raze 8, you can repeatedly cast any spell that you have prepared (up to 3nd level), without losing that spell from your memory. Alternately, you can cast (and recast) any spell (up to 3nd level) that you have mastered through the Spell Mastery feat.

Raze 9 <hr>

Necromancy [Death, Path Sinister]
Level: Wiz 9
Duration: 9 rounds

As Raze 2 except as noted below:

Terrain TypeExamplesCasting Time Caster Benefit Barren Stony Barrens, Boulder Fields, Sandy Wastes, Sea of Silt1 round 1 Infertile Rocky Badlands, Mountain, Scrubland1 round 1 FertileVerdant Plains, Savannah, Swamp, Mud FlatsFree Action 1 AbundantForest, Ocean, GardenFree Action 2

For the entire duration of Raze 9, you can repeatedly cast any spell that you have prepared (up to 4rth level), without losing that spell from your memory. Alternately, you can cast (and recast) any spell (up to 4nd level) that you have mastered through the Spell Mastery feat.
