Lands of the Ravaged Sun
This is the first adventure of the Lands of the Ravaged Sun campaign. It can be dropped into any Dark Sun setting or played as part of a greater campaign involving the disappearance of an entire people and the reappearance of an artifact not seen since the Cleansing Wars of Rajaat.
This product is offered to users free of charge, can be shared by anyone and is not for resale. While the Lands of the Ravaged Sun will always be in all ways 100% free and accessible without any barrier to the public, the project itself survives due to the generosity of those who feel there is value in what they have received. 100% of all donations go towards those creating our content, and will allow our team to proceed with the full 21 modules planned for this campaign. Please feel free to reach out to us at our blog:
Brad Knorr, sole backer of LOTRS modules 1-1, 1-2 & 1-3, and owner/operator of, has generously offered a 50% discount for 3 months for those who sign up for his server hosting with the following coupon: DARKSUN5
LotRS 1-1 Whispers of Dread
Download LotRS 1-1 Whispers of Dread zipfile
The Dark Sun setting is the property of Wizards of the Coast. Permission is granted to print or photocopy this complete document for personal use only. Lands of the Ravaged Sun is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.