Encounters of Athas 9 - The Takiades Compound
A ruined fortress, once known as the Takaides Compound, stands empty in the desert, its towers shattered, and its walls crumbling.
Encounters on Athas 8 - Random Defiler Encounters
Who is that lone defiler you’ve stumbled upon in the wastes?
Encounters of Athas 7 - Positive & Negative Energy Clerics
The planar cosmology of Athas differs from the rest of the D&D multiverse. Even the Inner Planes are different. How do the Positive and Negative Energy Planes interact with Athas, and what would their clerics look like?
Encounters of Athas 6 - Red Rock Village
The village of Red Rock is designed to be a relatively generic Athasian village to allow DMs to quickly drop it onto a map wherever they might need a moderately fleshed out village.
Encounters of Athas 5 - Curious Tails
The latest in a series designed to provide DMs with encounter or location ideas to add flavor to their campaigns. In this installment, we focus on encounters taking involving the reptilian races of Athas.
Encounters of Athas 4 - Lords of Athas
The latest in a series designed to provide DMs with encounter or location ideas to add flavor to their campaigns. In this installment, we focus on encounters involving the rulers of the city-states of the Tyr Region.
Encounters of Athas 3 - Templars
The latest in a series designed to provide DMs with encounter or location ideas to add flavor to their campaigns. In this installment, we focus on encounters taking place with templars.
Encounters of Athas 2 - Roads Less Traveled
The latest in a series designed to provide DMs with encounter or location ideas to add flavor to their campaigns. In this installment, we focus on encounters taking place on trade routes between city states.
Encounters of Athas 1 - Tables of the Tablelands
This is a new series of articles designed to provide DMs with encounter or location ideas to add flavor to their campaigns. This particular article discusses various ways to characterise and describe your taverns, inns, and similar locations in Dark Sun, to enable DMs a way of using that trope while still maintaining the Dark Sun atmosphere.