The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

Two new templars

Fabricio and Bruno from Dark Sun Brazil have joined the Spells and Powers Bureau. <p> We’re happy to extend our relations with our Brazilian fans. </p>

Champion of Rajaat

The epic bureau is proud to present the first release of the Champion of Rajaat Template.
Thousands of years ago, the warbringer Rajaat waged a war of cleansing across the surface of Athas, with the intention of returning the world to it’s lost Blue Age. His Champions were mighty generals, leading the fight against the impure races of the Rebirth, and were gifted with incredible abilities to help further their cause.

You may view the first release here: Champion of Rajaat [template]
Please mail comments to the Epic Bureau or post them on the Wizards message boards on this thread

Project status update

If you’re wondering what’s happening at, here’s what we’re occupied with and how we are progressing. Q4 will see several releases. <p>

Dregoth Ascending Part III: The final part of the Dregoth Ascending trilogy is in the works. After being ahead of schedule in the early phases, we have had a period with some setbacks. The deadline is December 24th and I’m determined that we make that deadline. The full title will be Dregoth Ascending part III - The Ascension. </p><p>

Terrors of Athas update: The Monster Bureau is working on an updated version of Terrors of Athas. We plan to have it released some time in Q4. </p><p>

DS Core Rules 3.5: Release 6 incorporated quite a number of small refinements to many chapters, along with new psionic powers. Release 7 will have fewer changes. Expect it to be released during Q4. </p><p>

Advanced Beings: Avangion rules have unfortunately been delayed. Though, a Champion of Rajaat template will be posted within a 2 week timeframe. </p><p>

Equipment project: The Equipment Bureau has been working on an Athasian variant of the Arms and Equipment guide for a year. The result will be released for public playtesting in late Q4 or Q1 next year. The title of the project has yet to be decided. </p><p>

Product updates: Tyrian Conspiracy, Whispers of the Storm, City-State of Draj, Dregoth Ascending parts 1 and 2 all need to be updated to the latest iteration of the Core Rules. We’re currently looking for people to assist us with this. E- mail if you’re good at number crunching and rules, and want to help. </p><p>

Other projects: Secrets of the Deadlands, The Emissary, Lost Cities. These projects are either put on hold, or progressing slowly. </p><p></p>

An Interview with Brom

Our friends at Dark Sun Brazil passed on this interview. Reporter-journalist Andreh Rodrigues recently interviewd Brom, and has graciously allowed us to post it online. The interview is not Dark Sun specific, but refers to the blasted world once or twice.


The Artisan's Quarter

We have a new staff section at The Artisan’s Quarter, featuring our regular artists. You do an excellent job, keep the art coming.

DS3 update

An editing update to DS3 has been posted. Mostly spelling, formatting fixes, but the templar’s secular authority descriptions and table now match.

Dregoth Ascending II: The Quest

The long-awaited sequel to The Day of Light is released for public playtesting. This is an alpha version, subject to change. The final version will include more art, maps, possibly more encounters, and maybe other elements as well. Note that the alpha release uses a hybrid between the former iteration and the current iteration of the DS 3.5 Core Rules. The final release will use the latest version of the DS 3.5 Core Rules. <p>

You can download Dregoth Ascending Part II: The Quest alpha release here. Feedback can be posted on this thread on the Wizards boards. </p>

Project status update

Dark Sun 3.5 Core Rules: A preview version was released yesterday. While reviewers report typos etc. an illustrated version is being developed.<p>

Dregoth Ascending Part II: Scheduled for public playtesting June 30th, the second part of the Dregoth Ascending trilogy might be released without art. Rest assured, art will be in the final release.</p><p>

Terrors of Athas 3.5 [Monster Bureau]: A revised version of Terrors of Athas 3.5 is still in the works. Some rare critters escaped us last time, but we hope to have caught them this time. Thanks to all you reavers out there. Hopefully, this will be done before autumn. </p><p>

Advanced Beings [Epic Bureau]: We got a lot of good feedback from the Dark Sun community on the dragon rules preview, much of which we are incorporating into the advanced being rules. Hopefully we will release revised dragon rules within two weeks. </p><p>

Athasian Arms and Equipment Guide [Equipment Bureau]: This project is progressing at regular mekillot pace. It is a large project which was started earlier this year with no set deadline.</p><p>

Other projects are either on hold or progressing slowly.</p>

Dark Sun 3 update

A new revision of Dark Sun 3 has been released. This revision brings DS3 fully in line with the Extended Psionics handbook and D&D 3.5 rule set. There are numerous changes within the document, including the addition of the Wilder class, the renaming of the Brute, and new weapons, powers and feats.

I’ll be working on an imaged version as time, and art supply, permit.