I’m pleased to announce that our first edition-agnostic adventure, The Chthonian Womb, is now available for free! Download it today, and discover what deadly beasts and ancient secrets lay buried beneath Athas’ past!
I’m pleased to announce that our newest anthology of adventures, entitled Adventures in the Dead Lands, is available for free download! Come explore all the various regions of the Dead Lands with 14 unique adventures set to a wide range of levels. There are also rules within handling the practical aspects of adventuring in the lands, as well as rules for creating undead PCs (the Unbound).
Are your players ready for the challenge?
The Crimson Sphere cover by Neujack
Launched at AthasCon last week, the Dark Sun/Spelljammer supplement The Crimson Sphere was greeted by an eager audience. And judging from the positive feedback so far, it did not disappoint.
Now you can download your copy today from our products page. Come see what the buzz is about today.
A beta release of Legends of Athas is now available here. This is a playtest release of 6 epic prestige classes, including the Athasian dragon and the avangion; more than 30 new epic feats; over 30 epic spells and power; over 30 artifacts, both conversions and brand new ones; as well as a collection of epic monsters. The final version of LoA will include stats for Athasian epic NPCs, including all sorcerer-kings; details about Athasian epic organizations; and more epic spells and monsters.
Please submit playtesting feedback to templarate@lists.athas.org.
The Athasian Emporium is now open for business! <p> A beta release of the Athasian Emporium is available. This is a playtest release of more than a hundred magic and psionic items, both new and old. The Athasian Emporium also provides informations on vehicles, equipments, poisons and poison-related feats, drugs, foods, and currency, as well as introducing many new weapons and armor. All that and more for help running a Dark Sun campaign. Please submit playtesting feedback to templarate at lists.athas.org </p>
A beta release of Faces of the Forgotten North is available. This is a playtest release of more than 140 NPCs and monsters of the Trembling Plains, including that region’s unique Spirits of the Land. FFN also provides adventure leads, equiptment, feats, prestige classes, and other new material for running a campaign in the Trembling Plains region. FFN is the companion book for Lost Cities of the Trembling Plains, which is back in production and will be released in beta form by the end of 2007. The final version of FFN may include NPCs and monsters from other future releases related to the Trembling Plains, such as Prison-State of Eldaarich, City-State of Kurn, Flamesky, and Silt Sailors of the Kulag Fleet. Please submit playtesting feedback to templarate at lists.athas.org.
A beta release of Prestige Class appendix, Volume2 is available. This is a playtest release of a compilation of Prestige classes designed and submitted by members of the Dark Sun community. Please submit playtesting feedback to templarate@lists.athas.org