Lawful Stupid blog #202 - Templar Wives
A brand new series of Lawful Stupid blogs, this one featuring rules for Nibenese templars.
Templar Wives
Below are presented five kits for Nibenese templar-wives. Each kit represents membership in one of these Chambers, with each granting unique abilities to templars. Each still enjoys the benefits of the templar class, modified according to their membership in one of the Chambers. A templar who is reassigned from one Chamber to another changes kit automatically and, after a period of re-training, replaces their old kit abilities with their new ones.
Chamber of Air
Housed in the Temple of Thought, the Chamber of Air is also known as the University of the Naggaramakam (the Shadow King’s hidden city). Templars from this Chamber carry out magical and psionic research, and help train other templars and Nibenay’s arcanamach defilers. The Shadow King also uses the Chamber of Air to handle certain special research projects, including translating writings found in ancient ruins, and has also made the Chamber responsible for the administration of the city’s state schools.
Recommended Weapons: None.
Recommended Non-weapon Proficiencies: Etiquette, heraldry, information gathering, knowledge (arcanology, local history, psiology), spellcraft, teaching.
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bureaucracy, literacy, psicraft.
Equipment: Any.
Special Benefits
Elemental Aptitude: Templars of the Chamber of Air are treated as one level higher for all spell statistics when casting spells from the Sphere of Air.
Psionic Schooling: Templars from the Chamber of Air gain one additional psionic wild talent.
Special Hinderances
Decreased Weapon Skill: Templars of the Chamber of Air are less skilled with weapons. They receive one less weapon proficiency than normal at 1st level.
Reduced Hit Die: Templars of the Chamber of Air spend less time in physical training than other templars. They use d6 to determine their hit points instead of d8.
Wealth Options: Standard.
Chamber of Fire
Housed in the Temple of War, the Chamber of Fire is Nibenay’s chief military organization. It controls over a thousand half-giant warriors, commands undead war beetles, and oversees hostilities with neighboring Gulg.
Templars of the Chamber of Fire are trained first and foremost as warriors, before beginning their training as templars. They are drilled in close-formation fighting, making them dangerous opponents on the field of war.
Recommended Weapons: Spears or one-handed polearms are favored as these can be readily used in formation fighting along with shields.
Recommended Non-weapon Proficiencies: Armor optimization, craft (armorer, weaponsmith), etiquette, heraldry, information gathering, intimidation, knowledge (local history).
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: The templar receives one additional weapon proficiency.
Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bureaucracy, literacy.
Equipment: Any.
Special Benefits
Elemental Aptitude: Templars of the Chamber of Fire are treated as one level higher for all spell statistics when casting spells from the Sphere of Fire.
Formation Combat: Templars of the Chamber of Fire gain a +1 to hit, damage, and Armor Class when fighting alongside fellow templars from the Chamber of Fire in close formation.
Special Hindrances
Delayed Spells: Templars of the Chamber of Fire do not start gaining spells until they reach 3rd level instead of 2nd. Spellcasting ability is thereafter always one level behind that of the standard templar.
Slow Advance: Templars of the Chamber of Fire are used to fighting in a regimented manner. As a result, they have their movement rate reduced by 3 when fighting alongside their fellow templars in close formation.
Wealth Options: Standard.
Chamber of Earth
Housed in the Temple of the House, the Chamber of Earth is primarily a civic organization, handling all activities deemed necessary for keeping Nibenay’s “house” in order.
In addition to managing the day-to-day running of the city, including its reservoir, grain supply, public works, fields, roads, festivals, and taxes, the Chamber of Earth also oversees the Naggaramakam’s slave laborers and concubines.
Recommended Weapons: Any.
Recommended Non-weapon Proficiencies: Craft (blacksmithing, carpentry, pottery, stonemasonry), heraldry, information gathering, intimidation, knowledge (local history).
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bureaucracy, etiquette, literacy.
Equipment: Any.
Special Benefits
Elemental Aptitude: Templars of the Chamber of Earth are treated as one level higher for all spell statistics when casting spells from the Sphere of Earth.
Requisition Slaves: Templars of the Chamber of Earth may requisition slaves starting at 3rd level. The templar can call upon 1d4 slaves per level per day, accompanied by an overseer. The slaves cannot be ordered to leave the city without permission from the Shadow King. The templar cannot use this power to requisition troops of any kind.
Special Hindrances
Civic Focus: Templars of the Chamber of Earth lose the ability to requisition troops – this is replaced by the ability to requisition slaves, as noted above under Special Benefits.
Proficiency Restriction: Templars of the Chamber of Earth must start play with one of the craft non-weapon proficiencies listed under Recommended Non-Weapon Proficiencies above.
Wealth Options: Standard.
Chamber of Water
Housed in the Temple of Trade, the Chamber of Water has responsibility for Nibenay’s city gates and tariffs, as well as overseeing business licenses and relations with the dynastic merchant houses.
The Chamber of Water also coordinates all purchases and sales of government property. This includes trade goods such as grain and other exports, as well as slaves.
Recommended Weapons: Any.
Recommended Non-weapon Proficiencies: Appraising, etiquette, fast talk, forgery, heraldry, information gathering, intimidation, knowledge (local history).
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bargain, bureaucracy, literacy.
Equipment: Any.
Special Benefits
Elemental Aptitude: Templars of the Chamber of Water are treated as one level higher for all spell statistics when casting spells from the Sphere of Water.
Welcome Bribes: Templars of the Chamber of Water are frequently on the receiving ends of bribes and other gifts to garnish their daily activities and ensure the smooth flow of trade. The templar gains a monthly income of 100 cp per level in addition to any other earnings.
Special Hindrances
Favors: Templars of the Chamber of Water are enmeshed in a system of mutual favors with the merchant houses. Whenever the templar wishes to use any of their secular authority powers on a merchant (the ability to access homes, command, accuse, or judge an individual), the templar must first pass a Charisma check. Failing this check means the target calls in a favor and the attempt is negated.
Unwelcome Bribes: Templars of the Chamber of Water are expected to pay bribes as well as receive them. Whenever the templar wishes to use any of their secular authority powers (the ability to access homes, command, accuse, or judge an individual), the templar must pay a bribe of 1d10 cp per level to the target or their owner (in the case of slaves).
Wealth Options: Standard.
Chamber of Order
Housed in the Temple of the King’s Law, the Chamber of Order is a feared organization. It enjoys sweeping powers within the Nibenese government and society, and has direct responsibility for supervising law enforcement, administering justice, and maintaining the city’s rolls of citizenry.
The Chamber of Order polices Nibenay and its templarate, resolves civil disputes, and manages the prisons. It additionally runs the city’s myrmeleon program, used to infiltrate local chapters of the Veiled Alliance.
Recommended Weapons: Any.
Recommended Non-weapon Proficiencies: Cryptography, disguise, etiquette, heraldry, information gathering, knowledge (local history), language (sign), observation.
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bureaucracy, intimidation, literacy.
Equipment: Any.
Special Benefits
Accuse Templar: A templar of the Chamber of Order can accuse any templar of lower level of a crime. Regardless of evidence, the accused templar will be locked in Nibenay’s dungeons for as long as the accusing templar wishes or until pardoned by another templar of 17th level or higher.
Commandeer Resources: Templars of the Chamber of Order can commandeer resources or subordinates from any lower-level templar in any other Chamber. Generally speaking, the lower-level templar can be forced to use their abilities to meet the commandeering templar’s needs (including requisitioning troops or slaves, as appropriate), or provide resources of a value up to 100 cp per level of the commandeering templar.
Special Hindrances
Enemies: Templars of the Chamber of Order make enemies as part of their normal activities; enemies who may choose to act against the templar, given opportunity. A Templar of the Chamber of Order starts play with 1d2 enemies of low level. As time goes by, the templar will probably make new ones. Old enemies may grow stronger as the templar gains levels. Good choices might include other templars, nobles, merchants, criminals, and bards. The DM should judge when and where enemies show up. Their actions may range from simply spreading rumors about the templar to deadly attempts on their life.
Lend Resources: Whenever a Templar of the Chamber of Order wishes to use their ability to requisition templars or funds, they must pass a Charisma check. On a failed roll, those resources are instead diverted to some covert program or other project, and not made available to the templar.
Wealth Options: Standard.