The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website

Zwuun Initiate
Zwuun Initiate by Baxa

Zwuun Initiate Kit

The Zwuun is an entity composed of the spirits of Nibenese preservers who found a way to live on past death. They tied their life forces to the natural energies of Nibenay’s Plain of Burning Water, thereby joining their consciousnesses in an undying collective.

The Zwuun exists to this day and is known to the Veiled Alliance of Nibenay. Prized for its wisdom and knowledge, it shares its gifts with those it deems worthy. The Zwuun is also viewed with trepidation, however, for there is no way to know for certain whether its knowledge is accurate and the entity is prone to mischief.

A Zwuun Initiate has studied the Zwuun and learned the best ways to call upon its power. This dedication has one inevitable outcome – sooner or later, the Initiate will become one with the Zwuun, leaving their mortal existence behind forever.

Zwuun Initiate

The Zwuun Initiate is a preserver – almost always a member of Nibenay’s Veiled Alliance – who has studied the lore and mysteries of the Zwuun in order to harness its wisdom. The Initiate learns the songs and poems most beloved by the Zwuun and spends long hours reciting these on the Plain of Burning Water, petitioning the Zwuun for aid and insight.

As a result of these pursuits, the Zwuun Initiate learns how to summon the Zwuun and ask it for aid and insight. In most cases, this aid involves tapping its accumulated knowledge, but sometimes the Zwuun will bring its magical powers to bear for the Initiate.

Because the Zwuun favors those who are skilled in music and poetry, the Zwuun Initiate spends time developing these skills. Failing to produce pleasing songs or verses earns the Zwuun’s displeasure and subjects the Initiate to the entity’s caprice and whims.

Normally, the powers granted by this kit only function in and around Nibenay, as they require direct communication with the Zwuun. The DM may rule, however, that the kit creates a bond between the Zwuun and the Initiate, allowing the Initiate to contact the Zwuun anywhere on Athas, so they can benefit from the kit’s powers when away from Nibenay.

Recommended Weapons: None.
Recommended Non-weapon Proficiencies: Etiquette, heat protection, knowledge (arcanology, local history), omen reading, spellcraft.
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies: Expression (musical instrument, singing).
Equipment: A Zwuun Initiate starts play with a musical instrument worth no more than 10 cp.

Special Benefits

Lore of the Zwuun: Each day, after reciting songs or poems for the Zwuun, the Initiate gains access to one weapon or non-weapon proficiency they do not currently possess. They retain this proficiency for 24 hours.

Power of the Zwuun: By making an expression (musical instrument or singing) non-weapon proficiency check, the Initiate can summon the Zwuun and call upon its magical power. The DM makes this roll in secret.
If the roll succeeds, the Zwuun will provide spells for the Initiate, as listed below, with more powerful spells becoming available as the Initiate rises in level. If the non-weapon proficiency check fails, the Zwuun provides erroneous or misleading information, as noted below.

The Zwuun Initiate can use this ability once per week. Although the Zwuun itself provides the spells, the spells are treated as if cast by the Zwuun Initiate, using the Initiate’s character level to determine spell statistics and characteristics.

Identify: From 1st level, the Initiate can petition the Zwuun for an identify spell. On a failed roll, the Zwuun lies about the results of the spell.
Locate Object: From 4th level, the Initiate can ask the Zwuun to cast locate object for them. This version of the spell has a range of five miles. On a failed roll, the Zwuun sends the Initiate in the wrong direction, and possibly into danger.
Magic Mirror: From 7th level, the Zwuun will cast magic mirror for the Initiate. On a failed roll, the Zwuun shows the Initiate a false vision.
Contact Other Plane: At 10th level, the Initiate gains the ability to speak to the Zwuun as if casting contact other plane. On a failed roll, the Zwuun makes up an answer it finds amusing.
Legend Lore: At 13th level, the Initiate can petition the Zwuun for a legend lore spell. On a failed roll, the lore given is dangerously false, sending the initiate directly into harm’s way.

Special Hindrances

Hampered Spellcasting: Because the Zwuun Initiate relies on the Zwuun so heavily, they are treated as one level lower for the purposes of spellcasting. This means that a 1st-level Zwuun Initiate can cast no spells and only learns a 1st-level spell when they reach second level as a preserver. At 1st level, the only spell the Initiate can access is identify, when provided by the Zwuun.

Inevitable Union: The Zwuun Initiate can never be raised or resurrected. When they die, the Initiate’s spirit returns to the Plain of Burning Water and joins with the Zwuun forever more. Only a wish can restore the Zwuun Initiate to life but doing so will cause them to lose access to this kit.

Wealth Options: Standard.