The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website


Quick Plot Hooks #4

The Quick Plot Hooks series started as a fun thought experiment - how to develop interesting but reasonable encounters using two types of creatures from randomly determined Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium entries.

Parasites of Athas

Four creatures that live as parasites within humanoids on Athas.

The Dust Filchers

*As they near the silt estuary, just south of Fort Kalvis, travelers along the People’s Road often move with some trepidation. Fears of rampaging monsters give way here to anxiety about the frequent dust storms that permeate the area. During these storms, many traders attempt to push through, rather than be delayed; those that tarry or stop are often unceremoniously robbed of their most precious belongings by a fast-moving gang of creatures under a shroud of silt and dust.*

Quick Plot Hooks #3

The Quick Plot Hooks series started as a fun thought experiment - how to develop interesting but reasonable encounters using two types of creatures from randomly determined Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium entries.

Quick Plot Hooks #2

The Quick Plot Hooks series started as a fun thought experiment - how to develop interesting but reasonable encounters using two types of creatures from randomly determined Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium entries.

Quick Plot Hooks #1

The Quick Plot Hooks series started as a fun thought experiment - how to develop interesting but reasonable encounters using two types of creatures from randomly determined Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium entries.

Encounters of Athas 6 - Red Rock Village

The village of Red Rock is designed to be a relatively generic Athasian village to allow DMs to quickly drop it onto a map wherever they might need a moderately fleshed out village.

10 Key Facts About Dark Sun That Every Player Should Know

Embarking on an adventure in the desert world of Dark Sun can be a thrilling experience for any Dungeons & Dragons player. To navigate the challenging terrain of Athas, here are ten key facts about Dark Sun that every player should know.

New Digital Resource Files

We recently added a new Files section to the Resources menu of the site. This is a fantastic addition to the site allowing us to have a repository of content that is not a product, but instead a small standalone downloadable resource file such as maps, handouts, etc. These files can be tied to specific products so if you’re in the Freedom product you’ll see associated files for download.

Cities of Athas - DM and Player Summary Sheets

In the Ivory Triangle boxed set, they had these cool card handouts with player and DM summaries for Gulg and Nibenay. I always wished that they had them for the other cities. So I made some.

The Athasian Survey Project 10 - Small Water and Kurn

Join the Traveller as he visits Trade Nest and the village of Ral. A reimagining of the original series (posted on the Dark Sun Facebook group) with rewritten entries and more locations, all still with the intention of highlighting rarely visited areas on the Revised 2nd edition map.