Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #9 - Additional Dark Sun Races
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring rules for additional Dark Sun races.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #8 - Classes
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring rules for Dark Sun Classes.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #7 - Alchemy and Herbalism
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring rules for Alchemy and Herbalism.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #6 - Fighting Styles
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring rules for fighting styles.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #5 - Templar Extortion System
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring rules for extortion by Templars.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #4 - Defiling
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring some alternate AD&D/2e defiling rules.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #3 - Psionics
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring some alternate AD&D/2e psionics rules.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #2 - Dark Sun Races
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring some AD&D/2e racial level limits.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #1 - Rules from other Editions
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring some AD&D/2e houserules inspired by other editions of the game.
A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Athasian Trade
This article introduces a new aspect to Athasian trade - the cross-cultural gap.
Net Project: Herbs of Athas
A collection of herbs found across the Tablelands and beyond
Chimes of Personal Power
These mystical chimes allow the user to convert arcane power to psionic power and vice versa.