Faces of Athas: Tzitzimitl
Tzitzimitl - a royal defiler who thought herself a rival to Tectuktitlay.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #15 - Cleric Spells
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring 2e rules for Cleric spells.
The Athasian Survey Project 32 - The Crimson Savannah
The Athasian Survey Project travels to the Crimson Savannah.
Parasites of Athas
Four creatures that live as parasites within humanoids on Athas.
Encounters on Athas 8 - Random Defiler Encounters
Who is that lone defiler you've stumbled upon in the wastes?
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #14 - Armor and Weapon Materials
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring 2e rules for Armour and Weapon Materials.
The Athasian Survey Project 31 - Avandaellen Plateau
The Athasian Survey Project travels to the Avandaellen Plateau.
Random Encounters on the Roads or Wilds of Athas
A table of social encounters in the wilds or roads of Athas.
The Journal of Zong-Tossu, Entry 9 - The Dervish Octopus
This is the journal of Zong-Tossu, a master ghav-urath (life-shaper) from the Rhul-thaun capital of Thamasku. Zong-Tossu was sent by the har-etuil (judgment-makers) along with a detachment of junior life-shapers and lawkeepers to investigate a mysterious ring of standing stones and the strange creatures said to occasionally appear within. The expeditionary force was accompanied by a thri-kreen emissary known as Cho’ka.
Having met and befriended the Pariahs - a group of malformed halfling-like folk - Zong-Tossu and the surviving members of his group discover that they were long expected and must go meet the “The Dervish Octopus”.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #13 - Metempiric Components
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring 2e rules for Metempiric Components.
The Athasian Survey Project 30 - Koschak Waterfall
The Athasian Survey Project travels to the Koschak Waterfall.
The Dust Filchers
*As they near the silt estuary, just south of Fort Kalvis, travelers along the People’s Road often move with some trepidation. Fears of rampaging monsters give way here to anxiety about the frequent dust storms that permeate the area. During these storms, many traders attempt to push through, rather than be delayed; those that tarry or stop are often unceremoniously robbed of their most precious belongings by a fast-moving gang of creatures under a shroud of silt and dust.*
Quick Plot Hooks #3
The Quick Plot Hooks series started as a fun thought experiment - how to develop interesting but reasonable encounters using two types of creatures from randomly determined Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium entries.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #12 - Elan
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring 2e rules for Elan.
The Athasian Survey Project 29 - Dreams of the Vanishing Lake
The Athasian Survey Project travels to the Vanishing Lake.
Encounters of Athas 7 - Positive & Negative Energy Clerics
The planar cosmology of Athas differs from the rest of the D&D multiverse. Even the Inner Planes are different. How do the Positive and Negative Energy Planes interact with Athas, and what would their clerics look like?
Quick Plot Hooks #2
The Quick Plot Hooks series started as a fun thought experiment - how to develop interesting but reasonable encounters using two types of creatures from randomly determined Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium entries.
Lawful Stupid blog, Repost #11 - Additional Dark Sun Kits
A repost of articles from the Lawful Stupid RPG blog, this one featuring rules for even more Dark Sun kits.
The Athasian Survey Project 28 - Kano Swamp
The Athasian Survey Project travels to the Kano Swamp.
Quick Plot Hooks #1
The Quick Plot Hooks series started as a fun thought experiment - how to develop interesting but reasonable encounters using two types of creatures from randomly determined Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium entries.