The Journal of Zong-Tossu, Entry 5 - Captives of the Spider-Folk
This is the journal of Zong-Tossu, a master ghav-urath (life-shaper) from the Rhul-thaun capital of Thamasku. Zong-Tossu was sent by the har-etuil (judgment-makers) along with a detachment of junior life-shapers and lawkeepers to investigate a mysterious ring of standing stones and the strange creatures said to occasionally appear within. The expeditionary force was accompanied by a thri-kreen emissary known as Cho’ka.
After a close call with the sophorphic indigo lotuses of Guthay, Zong-Tossu and his group find themselves the prisoners of a strange race of spider-folk.
Excursions: Lost Temple of Rahoon
A recent sandstorm of epic proportions has shifted the mountainous dunes of the Great Alluvial Sand Sea, revealing a temple of the ancients. Can you delve into the ancient ruins in search of riches before the next sandstorm buries them once again?
This adventure scenario for the DARK SUN® Campaign Setting is designed for play in a 4-hour session with 3 to 6 players using 4th level pre-generated player characters.
Opportunities in Chaos
An adventure set in the Warrens of Tyr, amid the chaos immediately following Kalak’s overthrow and demise
What Your Father Told You: Mul Slave Gladiator
A new instalment of What Your Father Told You - this time from a Mul slave gladiator.
The Athasian Survey Project 16 - Lake Island and Break Shore
The Athasian Survey Project visits Lake Island and the village of Break Shore
New Spell - Nightwind
Nightwind, a new spell for your shadow wizard.
The Elven Runner Kit
The Elven Runner - a new kit for elven characters.
Creatures of Athas: K'lgythk
A new creature for your Dark Sun games - the deadly K’lgythk.
Expanded Random Encounters Repost #3 - Sandy Wastes
This Net Project was originally compiled by ArcoJedi. Many of the entries were taken from the Dark Sun Mailing list. The Expanded Random Encounters net.project brings otherwise sometimes boring random encounters to life. Giving them more realism than “you walk around the bend to see 4 gith standing in the middle of the road with weapons drawn”.
This week, we feature encounters in Sandy Wastes.
The Athasian Survey Project 15 - Shault Island
The Athasian Survey Project visits the island of Shault.
Expanded Random Encounters Repost #2 - Mountains
This Net Project was originally compiled by ArcoJedi. Many of the entries were taken from the Dark Sun Mailing list. The Expanded Random Encounters net.project brings otherwise sometimes boring random encounters to life. Giving them more realism than “you walk around the bend to see 4 gith standing in the middle of the road with weapons drawn”.
In Kalak's Shadow - Repost
“Kill me, foolish girl?” - Kalak
Expanded Random Encounters Repost #1 - Forest
This Net Project was originally compiled by ArcoJedi. Many of the entries were taken from the Dark Sun Mailing list. The Expanded Random Encounters net.project brings otherwise sometimes boring random encounters to life. Giving them more realism than “you walk around the bend to see 4 gith standing in the middle of the road with weapons drawn”.
The Athasian Survey Project 14 - Mountains of the Sun
For today’s Athasian Survey Project image, I bring another view from the Silt Sea.
Beneath the Veil - Shadowmage Spells
Sources of Power - Spells of Badna
A number of spells available to the templars of Abalach-Re before her death.
The Journal of Zong-Tossu, Entry 4 - The Indigo Lotuses of Guthay
This is the journal of Zong-Tossu, a master ghav-urath (life-shaper) from the Rhul-thaun capital of Thamasku. Zong-Tossu was sent by the har-etuil (judgment-makers) along with a detachment of junior life-shapers and lawkeepers to investigate a mysterious ring of standing stones and the strange creatures said to occasionally appear within. The expeditionary force was accompanied by a thri-kreen emissary known as Cho’ka.
After discovering the lone survivor Tr’Shadai, Zong-Tossu and his group travel across the alien marshes of Guthay.
Athasian Wyvern
A new monster for your 2e Dark Sun game.
The Templar Investigator (kit)
A new kit for templars
The Athasian Survey Project 13 - Edge of the Cerulean Storm
My friends. I sail the Silt Sea once again. For today’s clairvoyant missive in the name of the Athasian Survey Project, I share a remarkable sight - the edge of the Cerulean Storm