The Burnt World of Athas

The official Dark Sun website


Expanded Random Encounters Repost #2 - Mountains

This Net Project was originally compiled by ArcoJedi. Many of the entries were taken from the Dark Sun Mailing list. The Expanded Random Encounters net.project brings otherwise sometimes boring random encounters to life. Giving them more realism than "you walk around the bend to see 4 gith standing in the middle of the road with weapons drawn".

Expanded Random Encounters Repost #1 - Forest

This Net Project was originally compiled by ArcoJedi. Many of the entries were taken from the Dark Sun Mailing list. The Expanded Random Encounters net.project brings otherwise sometimes boring random encounters to life. Giving them more realism than "you walk around the bend to see 4 gith standing in the middle of the road with weapons drawn".

Encounters of Athas 4 - Lords of Athas

The latest in a series designed to provide DMs with encounter or location ideas to add flavor to their campaigns. In this installment, we focus on encounters involving the rulers of the city-states of the Tyr Region.

Encounters of Athas 3 - Templars

The latest in a series designed to provide DMs with encounter or location ideas to add flavor to their campaigns. In this installment, we focus on encounters taking place with templars.

Mindscape Combat in Dark Sun

One of the most flavorful aspects of psionics in Dark Sun is Mindscape Combat. Published novels and short stories written in the Dark Sun setting used a fantastic “mindscape” where psionic combat occurs.

Athasian Plot Hooks 2

The following plot hooks are meant for use in a Dark Sun campaign.